What can we help you with today?
Article suggestions
Featured articles
6 articles
Sales Rep Training Videos
Calculate and add Redemption Products to Invoices.
How to Activate Your Organization for Marketplace
Update Primary Bank Account (Payrix)
Adding Older Invoices to Trade Portal
Vinosmith's Search Engine
17 articles
What is Vinosmith Marketplace?
Marketplace FAQs
Image Acquisition Service and Scraping Options
What Does the Marketplace Experience Look Like For Buyers?
How Will I Be Notified Of A Marketplace (Trade) Order Request?
How Quickly Is My Data Refreshed In Marketplace?
How Can I Invite Buyers to My Marketplace?
How to Enable Wines for the Marketplace
View all articles in “Marketplace”
2 articles
Export Orders to Fintech
Flag Accounts with Fintech
Vinosmith Payments (Vinopay)
15 articles
What is Vinosmith Payments (VinoPay)?
Update Primary Bank Account (Payrix)
How do I get started with Vinosmith Payments?
What are the Fees for Vinosmith Payments?
What is the Payment Experience for my Customers (the Account Contacts / Payers)?
Where do I access the Payments system?
What kind of notifications will I receive?
Adding Older Invoices to Trade Portal
View all articles in “Vinosmith Payments (Vinopay)”
Getting Started
18 articles
Calculate and add Redemption Products to Invoices.
How to Activate Your Organization for Marketplace
Change my Password
What does "supplier" mean in Vinosmith?
Add a New User (Sales Rep or Admin)
Enable Archiving of my Email Correspondence with an Account
Batch Update Wine Properties
How to Order/Setup Samples in Vinosmith
View all articles in “Getting Started”
Goals and Allocations
2 articles
Allocation vs Goal
Focus Campaigns
Corporate Account Groups
2 articles
Using Corporate Account Groups
Price Management for Corporate Groups
Purchase Orders
6 articles
Create and Receive Purchase Orders in Vinosmith
Add logo to a Purchase Order
On-Order and Pre-Arrival Quantities are Wrong
Purchase Orders - Converting USD to Euros
Apply Payments to Purchase Order
Purchase Order Template (Admin Only)
8 articles
What does "Accounts: hide inaccessible" do?
How do I add Keywords to an Account or Item?
Vinosmith's Search Engine
What are External Identifiers used for?
Add Custom Fields to Items and Accounts in Vinosmith
Delivery Route Routing - 3rd Party Options
Share Reports Features
What are Shipment Types?
Frank Family
1 article
Frank Family - Export Orders
Account Management
24 articles
Account Loves
Allow Sales Reps to Create Accounts (Admin Only)
Assign Accounts to Sales Reps (Admin Only)
Batch Update Accounts
What Is the "Delivery Times" Feature Used For?
How to Delete or Make an Account Inactive
Export Accounts?
Generate a Bill of Lading/Packing Slip in Vinosmith
View all articles in “Account Management”
3 articles
Map a Vinosmith Record to a Quickbooks Record
How to Map a Wine to a QB Item
Reading Credit Memos from Quickbooks
11 articles
How to make a warehouse primary
How to setup Sidekick Delivery Integration
How to download a single PDF containing multiple invoices
Sidekick: Non-Inventory Items
Export Orders to Western Carriers
Fond du Lac / Chilled Solutions Order Processing
Submit Orders to Convoy Beverage Alliance (CBA)
Submit Invoices and Purchase Orders to ALBA Warehouse
View all articles in “Warehouses”
User Management
4 articles
Add a New User (Admin Only)
Vinosmith Calendar
How Do Sales Rep Commissions Work?
Edit or Disable a Rep or Admin User (Admin Only)
Account Receivables
11 articles
Message Saying an Account is Past Due?
Automatically Flagging Past Due Accounts
Supplier Commission Invoice Emails
Customize A/R email copy
Edit Accounts Receivable Email
Second Past Due Notification
How to Delete a Payment (Admins only)
Notify Invoice Contacts for A/R?
View all articles in “Account Receivables”
Wine Price Management
14 articles
How do I add/edit prices for my Wines?
Pricing Display Order
Can I export wines with no price information?
Batch Export Prices
Pricing Groups: Locking Prices by Sales Reps
How do I add Admin Only Pricing
Batch Import Pricing
Record Bill Back Value (Admin Only)
View all articles in “Wine Price Management”
Wines & Producers
6 articles
Delete/Disable a Wine
Create a New Producer
Copy Wine Properties to Another Wine
What is a Product Family?
How are Vendors used in Vinosmith?
Re-assign Wines from one Producer to Another
6 articles
Add a Supplier
Assign Zones to Suppliers
Change the Reply-To Email Address for Invoices
Set Up an Importer
Supplier Commission Receivables (Admin Only)
Deliver Weekly A/R Email to Suppliers
11 articles
Allocation Approval Notification Settings
Allocations - Automatic Expiration (Admin Only)
Create an Allocation by Rep, Account, or Corporate Group
Allocation Quantity and Default Price populate new orders.
Auto-Approve Rep Allocations
Pre-Sale Allocations
Editing or Deleting an Allocation
Bill & Holds
View all articles in “Allocations”
1 article
Update Vinosmith Billing Card on File
5 articles
Commissions not showing up in commission reports
VIP Reporting
How does "Require Sales to be Placed by the Selected Reps" work on a report?
How to Schedule Reports
Generate a Depletion (RAD) Report
My Account
5 articles
Add/Remove People from Getting Email Notifications About Orders
View Sales Chart for All Sales Reps (Admin Only)
What are Externally Accessible URLs?
Notifications via Outbound Email Keys
7 articles
Submit a Batch of Orders to Vinlux
Add New Accounts to Vinlux
Batch update inventory downloaded from Vinlux portal
Vinlux: Non-Inventory Items
Find Vinosmith Order from Vinlux Orders PDF
VinLux EDI Error Code Key
How to Add Multiple Vinlux Delivery Methods
7 articles
Create & Apply a Vinosmith Credit Memo to an Invoice
Specify Alternate Addresses on Invoices
Invoice Prefix (Admin Only)
Master Invoices
How do I Void an invoice?
Total Wine Invoice
Dynamic Payment Terms (Texas, Nevada, Maryland only)
Contact Management
5 articles
Batch Create/Update Contacts
Export all my Account Contacts
Send a Mass Email to my Account Contacts
Notify Contacts During Order Confirmation
Account Contact Opt-In Options
Order Processing
28 articles
Alternate Payment Terms
Delivery Status (Admin Only)
Change Invoice Payment Terms
Create a Private Note
Edit a Confirmed Order (Admin Only)
Future Orders
Future Orders Settings (Admin Only)
Two Invoices for One Order
View all articles in “Order Processing”
Inventory Management
13 articles
Add a Warehouse / Inventory to a Wine
Bottle Conversions
Capture Pre-Arrival Wine Inventory
Export Current Inventory
Lock a User to a Certain Warehouse (Admin Only)
Manually Over-ride an Inventory Number?
Inventory Alert Notifications For Single Wines (Admin Only)
"On Hand" and "Pending Sync"
View all articles in “Inventory Management”
Mobile Access
2 articles
Access Vinosmith on my Phone
Downloaded Vinosmith from the Apple App Store but I Cannot Login
Wine Management
19 articles
Specify Varietals for a Wine
Edit a Wine's Supplier (Admin Only)
Batch Disable Wines
What is a Wine Interest and how do I create one?
Export Data & Prices to SevenFifty
Create Wines Based on Existing Wines
Merge SKUs
Creating Non-Inventory Items (Quickbooks)
View all articles in “Wine Management”
6 articles
Attaching a Bottle Shot or Label Image to Individual Wines
Change the Tasting Order of Wines
Create Copies of the Same Tasting (Cloning)
How to Create/Export a Tasting Sheet
Updating your Wine Preferences to be Reflected on the Tasting Sheet
CreateTasting Sheet Display Notes
Quickbooks Desktop
16 articles
Batch Edit Customers via Excel to Import to QBD
Create a QB Customer from a Vinosmith Account
Create Invoices from Vinosmith Orders (QBD)
Batch Edit Items via Excel to Import to QBD
Define Item Custom Fields in Quickbooks
Export my Customers from QB into the Vinosmith Accounts Template
Export my QB Data such as Customers or Items
Install & Configure the QB Web Connector
View all articles in “Quickbooks Desktop”
Training Videos
1 article
Sales Rep Training Videos
Reminders & Calendars
2 articles
Embed a Google Calendar into my Dashboard
Import a Calendar Feed into iCal (OS X) or Outlook (Windows)
Quickbooks Online
9 articles
Authorize Vinosmith to Connect to Quickbooks Online
QBO: Create Invoices from Vinosmith Orders
Create a Quickbooks Invoice from an Order
Populate Sales Rep Information onto my Quickbooks Online Invoice
Update Vinosmith with New QB Customers and Items
Batch-Edit Items via Excel to Import to QBO
Tracking QBO Purchase Orders
Push Wines to Quickbooks Online
View all articles in “Quickbooks Online”
2 articles
Export Orders to iControl
Flag Accounts for iControl
Quickbook Error Message
9 articles
What can cause an "IteratorID" is not valid error?
Quickbooks Error: 3240
What does Quickbooks Error: 3120 mean?
Quickbooks Error: 1
Quickbooks Error 3180 - The internals could not be locked
Quickbooks Error: 3391 ReceivePaymentQueryRq
Error: A business validation error has occurred while processing your request
Quickbooks Error: 3200
View all articles in “Quickbook Error Message”
Redemption Handling
2 articles
Initialize a new Supplier with Redemptions
CRV - How to Remove a CRV Line Item
1 article
Supplier Distributor Link (SDL) For Brokers
Provi / SevenFifty
1 article
Share my Data with Provi / SevenFifty