
Supplier: The name of the payee on the invoice.

Classification: A free-form field in the Wine section. Classification refers to vinification methods. Classification examples are red or white wine, sparkling, semi-sparkling or still, fortified, and dessert wines.

EDI: Electronic Data Exchange; computer-to-computer exchange of business documents in a standard electronic format between business partners. Vinosmith uses EDI to exchange data with select warehouses.

SRP - Suggest Retail Price

RRP - Recommended Retail Price

Ext. Identifier (1) - This field can store data for which Vinosmith doesn't have a designated field.

Wine ID (exports/imports) This is a unique identifier assigned by Vinosmith and is not editable.

Core -If you check a wine as Core = Yes, it will show at the top of the Wines page. The idea here is to filter up the core wines (that the reps should always have in front of them) at the top of the Wines list. The other element of the Core toggle is that it can be leveraged on the Velocity report as a filter, and I believe it pops up on a few different reports.
Product Families: This customizable data point allows grouping multiple SKUs that wouldn't otherwise be connected—for instance, a producer's Chardonnay across vintages.
Laid-in cost - The total Cost of wine to a distributor, including (1) FOB price at winery dock, (2) freight charge, (3) tax, and if applicable, (4) state redemption charges.
Billbacks - Items previously agreed to by the producer, which are billable to the winery by the distributor.
FOB - Freight-on-board, i.e., the price with shipping charges not included.

Sample Allowance - Allowance for a distributor to give away samples of a new brand or line extension.

Cost of goods—To a food and beverage buyer, the Cost of the item is expressed as a percentage of the total price charged to consumers.

Depletion Allowance -Sales incentive program based on depletions. Program crediting distributors by a set amount for depletions during a set time.

Inventory Buckets

Hand: This represents inventory at the warehouse. This value is either mirrored by QB Quantity On Hand Value or manually entered into Vinosmith. 

Hold: This inventory bucket represents items on Allocation.

On Future: more than X-number of days out from the delivery date. 

Available: on-hand

Pending Sync: This is the inventory on active orders that has yet to be pushed to QBD or QBO.

Future Orders: Future orders are orders for more than X days out. A future order is mostly the same as a regular order but is just for more than X days out, so it is held in another inventory bucket. Once a future order becomes active, that quantity is deducted from on-future and moved to pending sync. Once in pending sync, it cannot be placed back in the Future, no matter how far out you move the date. Admins can set the Future Order thresholds in the Admin panel.








