Note: The Track on On Order feature must be enabled for the Pre-Sale Allocation feature to work. Please get in touch with for how to enable the On Order feature.


Pre-Sale Allocations are created against a wine's On Order inventory. These Allocations are not "live" and are not treated as normal Allocations - they cannot be ordered against.  The Pre-Sale Allocations will deduct from the On Order quantity and not take On Hand/Available value negative.

Pre-Sale Allocations are created the same as a regular Allocation.  All Allocations start at a Wine or an Account. From there, you can select a Pre-Sale or Live Allocation. On Order, On Pre-Sale, and Available to Pre-Sell is in a separate inventory box on that page for your reference.

An admin-level user must activate the Pre-Sale allocations after receiving the On Order inventory into the On Hand inventory bucket. This activation of the Pre-Sale allocations will convert them directly to "live" Allocations/On Hold.  Please note this action is manual and required for the Pre-Sale Allocations to be converted.

To Activate the Pre-Sale Allocations

  1. Navigate to the Accounts tab
  2. On the left-hand side, click View under the Allocation
  3. Select the Pre-Sales tab.  On this page, you will be offered checkboxes next to all Pre-Sales.
  4. Select the Allocations to Activate and click the blue Activate Selected Allocations button at the bottom of the page.

Pre-Sale allocations can be imported via Batch. Please see the Knowledge Base article referenced at the bottom of this page regarding how to batch upload allocations.