Vinosmith supports a Frank Family compatible orders file. Your Vinosmith data will need to be configured and setup with Frank Family data.

There are 3 primary data sets that need Frank Family specific identifying information to generate the orders file:

  1. Sales Reps
  2. Accounts
  3. Wines

Sales Reps

All of your Vinosmith Sales Reps will need to be updated with their Frank Family specific identifying code. You will need to communicate with Frank Family to get this list of codes and then update the Vinosmith Sales Rep user entry.

When you onboard a new Sales Rep you are responsible for communicating with Frank Family, submitting the new rep information to them and retrieving the code they create for you.

  1. Go to your management console (My Account > Manage). Scroll down to the list of Sales Reps
  2. Click on the Rep name and populate the External Identifier (1) field with the Frank Family code; save your changes.
  3. Repeat this process for each rep.


Your Frank Family code (called the "NAV ID" internally) is populated at the Custom Field level.

When editing an Account there is a Custom Fields > FrankFamilyNavID entry field for you to insert this value.

When you onboard a new Account you are responsible for communicating with Frank Family, submitting the new Account information to them and retrieving the code they create for you and updating Vinosmith.


Your Frank Family code (called the "NAV ID" internally) is populated at the Custom Field level.

When editing a Wine there is a Custom Fields > FrankFamilyNavID entry field for you to insert this value.

When you create a new Frank Family Wine you are responsible for communicating with Frank Family, retrieving the NAV ID and updating Vinosmith.

Order Confirmation and Orders File Generation

Because Frank Family integrates with Vinlux and ultimately submits your Orders to be delivered via Vinlux you need to instruct Vinosmith to deliver this order via Vinlux.

Important: you will be confirming an Order to be delivered via Vinlux but you will NOT submit these orders to Vinlux.

Order Confirmation

During Order Confirmation use the Deliver Via option and choose the appropriate Vinlux method (DSD/Default, Will Call, Parcel Carrier, etc).

Then go to Pending Deliveries; select the Frank Family orders and in the With Selected dropdown choose Mark as Processed (Delivery Status: Manual).

Important to reiterate: you don't actually want to submit these Orders to Vinlux so you need to pull them out of the Vinlux queue. You confirmed the Order and linked it to a Vinlux delivery method (Default, Will Call, etc) because Vinosmith needs to pass that information to Frank Family.

Generating the Orders File

The Orders file is on the Reports screen near the bottom: titled Frank Family: Orders for NAV.

Most likely you will want to filter on Supplier = Frank Family; then enter a delivery date range and export your file.

Examine the File

Open the file that you have downloaded and examine two columns:

  1. Column A: Customer ID
  2. Column AD: No.

If there are ANY blank values in these cells then it means the Frank Family specific Codes (NAV IDs) have not been entered. If this file were transmitted to Frank Family those Orders would be rejected.

For all blanks, you will need to go back to Vinosmith and populate their values (see above). For Accounts you will most likely want to keep the Frank Family Master Customer list in a handy location so you can refer to it, look up the Client Number / Code and enter it into Vinosmith.

Repeat this process and file exporting until there are no more blanks.

When the file has no more blanks you can transmit it to Frank Family.