Vinosmith can automatically generate and send to Provi select data sets. This integration will replace the current Reports of RJ1 and RJ2 which contain just some of the data.


To Get Started: Contact Provi

You will need to contact Provi at

and request your Provi Customer Identifier

Once you have obtained your Provi Customer Identifier

With your Provi Customer identifier value which identifies your organization, here is how you enable this feature in Vinosmith.

Click on My Account in the top-right and then Manage in the left. Scroll down and in the left navigation look for the section titled Provi Integration, click on the link titled Settings.

  1. Insert your Provi value into the field titled Provi: Customer Identifier
  2. Choose the data sets you would like to send to Provi. Note: for Inventory you are required to choose the Warehouses to send to Provi. Choosing no warehouses means no inventory quantities will be transmitted.
  3. Save your configuration


That's it! Every morning Vinosmith automatically generates the enabled data sets and transmits it to Provi.