Future Orders are placed for a delivery date more than x number of days out (or depending on your company settings). Administrators choose when an order is considered a Future Order and when it deploys into the orders queue.
In this case, Vinosmith will flag this order as a Future Order and move the order inventory to the On Future bucket.
Future Orders represent orders that should be captured by the system but should not necessarily be acted upon by the administrator(s).
Please note once an order goes from the Future Orders bucket into the main "Active" queue, it cannot be reverted to a Future Order, no matter how far out you put the date. If this order must go into the future orders bucket again, you must delete it and re-enter it with a date that triggers a future order for your company.
How are Future Orders Processed?
Depending on your company settings, x-number of days before the delivery date, Vinosmith will automatically mark a Future Order as Active and move it to the main Orders queue. This is as if the sales rep had placed the order that day for delivery x days from now.
** The automatic job of moving Future orders to the active order queue takes place at 6 AM PST.**
Where do I see Future Orders?
Future Orders are displayed at the bottom of the main Orders tab in their own section.
If you want to activate a Future Order and move it to the active queue, click on the Activate Future Order button when viewing the Order.
This will act as if the order was placed but ignore the future delivery threshold (everything else remains the same - the delivery date is not affected).