Batch Price Import

You can update multiple Prices at once by uploading an Excel document.

In most cases, you will first want to perform an export of current pricing, edit the file and then import it back into Vinosmith.

Learn how to export a file.

After exporting and editing, you can upload the updated excel file

  1. Select the Wines tab
  2. On the left column in the 3rd grey box down locate Import/Export
  3. Scroll to Prices and select Import prices
  4. Choose Basic or Detailed (based on which type you exported and filled out)
  5. Select the desired document
  6. Select Import

Disable Prices 

On the Price Excel upload screen there is a checkbox Disable Prices First? - let's dig into what this means.

By checking the Disable Prices checkbox; during import Vinosmith will first disable all Prices for each Wine specified in the file. Any Wines & Prices not specified in the file remain unmodified.

You will want to check or not check this box depending on the file you are uploading and it boils down to 2 scenarios:

1. Your file is additive to the existing set of Prices (e.g. you want to add a Summer Special price to a set of Wines).

2. Your file and its prices are to replace current prices.

Additive Pricing (Disable Prices = Unchecked)

By not disabling Prices Vinosmith will add any rows in the Excel document to the Vinosmith Wines. An example use-case would be if you wanted to just add a handful of special prices to existing Wine/Prices. E.g. a Summer Special or a new Case 10 price.

Replacing Pricing (Disable Prices = Checked)

If the pricing file is to represent the new universe of pricing for each Wine then you would want to check this box. The end result is that ALL current prices for each Wine in the file are first disabled and any rows/prices in the file represent the new clean slate data set.


Please Note: during import Vinosmith will look for an existing price with the same label. If found that price will be updated with the values in the import file. If an existing price cannot be found a new price will be created. 

What this means in practice: you can only have one price-label for each Wine. That is, you cannot create multiple "Frontline" or "Case 1", etc prices under the same wine, but with different other properties. Of course you can have the same label across different Wines.