There are a couple of ways you can invite buyers to your Marketplace.

  1. Quickly batch update Account Contacts' opt-in flags
  2. Send a mass invite from Vinosmith to multiple contacts
  3. Send an invite to a specific contact from Vinosmith (or from your email program)

To Batch Opt-In Your Accounts

  • Click on the Accounts tab
  • In the left-hand navigation, click on View Contacts
  • Click on the Batch Edit button
  • Select the Account(s) you'd like update using the checkboxes next to each account or using the Select All link
  • In the yellow box titled "With selected contacts, update:", click on the Marketplace? and select Yes
  • Click the Update button

Please note: They will not receive a notification. This gives them the ability to get into the Marketplace automatically.

To Send a Mass Invitation:

The Basic Requirements to use the mass invitation are:

  • The Contact has the "Marketplace?" attribute checked.
  • The Contact has Email (Business) populated.
  • Any Contacts already invited will be skipped.
  • Only Contacts for Active Accounts will be invited

How to send the mass invitation:

  • Click on the Accounts tab
  • Click on View Contacts (left navigation)
  • Under Marketplace, click on Send Invites
  • Follow the instructions on the screen
  • Click Continue

To Invite a Specific Contact - from their contact information directly:

  • Click on the Accounts tab
  • Select the Account you'd like to invite
  • Go to the contact, click Edit
  • Click on Invite on the left side 
  • From this window, you can send the invitation one of two ways:
    1. Write a message and click Send Invite (optional)
      • Contact will be automatically flagged as a Marketplace  contact sending an invite
    2. Copy the URL and send a message from your email program to that contact

Important notes about inviting contacts:

  • The URL is specific to that account contact. 
  • Vinosmith is not storing this action as an account-level communication.


Automatic Reminders

Once a contact has received an invitation they will receive weekly email reminders until they accept the invitation or opt-out. Recipients can click on the opt-out link in the email and request to be removed from future reminders.