The Web Connector (WC) is the crucial link between your QB and Vinosmith. The WC is a client-side application that runs on the Windows instance hosting your QB. The WC is configured to “phone home to Vinosmith” on a fixed interval (e.g. every 5 minutes) and any data transfer will take place.

If the WC is not running then no transfer can take place. Thus, if the PC running QB/WC is shut down or restarted, then upon start-up the WC will need to be opened again and left open (it can be minimized, but just not exited).


To complete the web connector configuration you will need to be signed in to your QB as Admin in Single-User mode.

Configure the Web Connector

Your WC first needs to be configured prior to interaction with Vinosmith. This configuration is done by downloading a file from Vinosmith which bootstraps the configuration.

  1. Sign in to Vinosmith
  2. Go to your Management console (My Account > Manage)
  3. In the Quickbooks Desktop section:
    • RIGHT-CLICK click on the link to Download Config and choose the option in the contextual menu like "Save Link As ..." or "Save Target As ..."
    • Download the offered file and save it somewhere on your PC where you will remember it later.
  4. Open the Web Connector (see the section below on how to open the Web Connector)
  5. In the WC click on the Add Application and you are presented with a File open box - navigate to the file you downloaded a moment ago and choose that file
  6. You are now presented with a configuration wizard.
  7. Select OK on the first step
  8. When prompted for Allow this Application to access choose Always
  9. When prompted for the user to login as choose Admin (PLEASE NOTE: IT'S CRITICAL YOU CHOOSE ADMIN HERE; Failure to do so will cause issues)
  10. Proceed with the confirmation prompts
  11. You should now be looking at the WC and there should be a row for Vinosmith.
  12. Click into the Password field and enter the password of "cabernet" (no quotes) - hit "Enter" on your keyboard and QB will prompt you to save the password
  13. Ensure Auto-Run is checked and the Auto-Run Interval is set to a sufficient value (like 5 minutes)

How to open the Web Connector

  1. In Quickbooks, go to the File menu and at the bottom choose App Management > Update Web Services
  2. This will launch the Web Connector.
  3. Keep this application open. You can minimize the application but if it is exited/quit then no communication can take place.

NOTE: You do not need to continue to use QB in Single-User mode. Single-User mode is for the initial Web Connector setup. Once it is set up you can proceed using your QB as normal.

Once the Web Connector has been configured, the only additional step is to launch the Web Connector. This needs to be enabled for communication to take place between your QB and Vinosmith.