Sidekick Delivery has support for adding non-inventory items to invoices: such as miscellaneous charges, empty keg deposits, etc.
If you wish to transmit these non-inventory items to Sidekick from a Vinosmith Invoice you will need to make some minor adjustments to your Vinosmith Wine Data.
1. Mark the Wine as Inventory Item = No. When editing a wine this is a checkbox. All Wines default to being an inventory item so you will need to edit the Wine and un-check this box for those non-inventory items.
2. Change the Wine Name to match the required value of Sidekick non-inventory item values. The full list of non-inventory values is:
- Misc Fee
- Misc Credit
- Empty keg deposit
- Minimim order fee
- Bounced check fee
- Finance charge
- Redelivery fee
- Late Order fee
- Pick up attempt
- Styrofoam box
- Repack box
- COD (cash on delivery)
- Vip Delivery
- Delivery reroute
- Delivery extended wait
If the value does not match one of these in the list it will default to "Misc Fee". So you don't technically have to change your Wine Names, but if you don't then Sidekick will put Misc Fee on the invoices and thats a little more vague than say "Empty keg deposit".