To Create a New Purchase Order Template:
- Click on My Account
- Click on Manage
- From the left-side menu, click on Manage Purchase Orders Templates
- Click on Add a New PO Template
- Here, you can select the options you'd like to add to your template
You can then choose the options you would like to add to your template
The default columns on the PO template are:
- Item
- Description
- Vintage
- Quantity
- Ext. Price $
- Amount ($)
Additional line items columns include:
- Vendor Wine Code
- Wine Code
- Pack Size / Packaging
- Bottle Price
- Total Liters
- Discount %
- Alcohol %
- Display Line Item Notes
Note about Custom Column Widths
A number must be specified for each column for the "Custom Column Widths" setting to take effect. The total cannot exceed 500.
Enter a list of comma-delimited numbers representing the column widths to be applied. The values would be in the range of about 50-120.
Suggestion for using manual column widths
The suggested workflow for manipulating column widths is as follows:
- Customize the template with the desired columns.
- Perform an export, open the PDF, and count the columns.
- Edit the Template and specify a list of comma-delimited numbers, one numeric value for each column. Start with using an arbitrary example of "75" for each column. This means the column width value would look like "75, 75, 75, 75, 75" assuming there are 5 columns. Important: the sum of numbers cannot exceed 500. Spread around the widths as desired, never exceeding 500.
- Perform an export and examine the output. Take note of what columns you would like increased and maybe others decreased.
- Repeat steps 3 & 4 until you land on your desired output.