What Are the Outbound Email Keys and What Do They Do?

Vinosmith Outbound Email Keys allow you (and your team) to be notified via email when the Keys below are enabled. These notifications are intended to notify admin users. 

  • payments.notification -- when an account pays their invoice using Vinosmith payments, an email notification will be sent
  • inventory.notification -- daily email alerts when an inventory quantity (On Hand or Available) reaches a certain threshold
  • expire.draft.orders.notification -- an email alert is sent 1 day before a pending draft order's delivery date (if the order has not been activated or deleted)
  • allocation.notifications -- when a Sales Rep creates an Allocation request, this will send an approval notification
  • trade.orders -- when a Trade Order is submitted in the Marketplace, this will send an email notification that the order request has been placed
  • allocation.edit  -- an email notification is sent when an allocation has been edited
  • allocation.delete -- an email notification is sent when an allocation has been deleted
  • ar.pastdue.nudge1 -- when the Accounts Receivable (including notify account contacts) feature is enabled, this enables sending a second past due notification to a past due account.
  • supplier.ar.notification -- part of the configuration to send a weekly email to your Supplier(s) with the prior week's Invoices, including the ability to download the Invoice PDF
  • account.ar.notifications -- for non-rep users to receive a notification when an account is past due 
  • orders.confirmation -- for non-rep users to receive emails of confirmed orders
  • email.delivery.error -- sends a notification if there was an error sending an email (example: invoices, etc.)

How To Enable the Outbound Email Key Feature

Enabling this feature allows you (and/or the email recipient(s) you include) to receive email notifications for any of the Vinosmith features outlined above. 

  1. Go to My Account
  2. Click on Manage
  3. Scroll down to Outbound Emails
  4. On the right, click on Add
  5. Select the Key feature you'd like to enable from the drop-down menu
  6. In the Recipient(s) box, enter the email address(es) for those who should be receiving this email notification
  7. Click Save













need to write an article about how to setup and what the keys do