Manage Vendors

While not required, it is recommended that a Vendor be assigned to a PO. The Vendor is the source of the product (perhaps not physically per se) but represents the Accounts Payable entity from which you are purchasing the product.

To manage your list of Vendors, navigate to the Wines tab and click on Manage > Vendors in the left navigation. Proceed to add/edit Vendors as necessary.

To Create a New PO

  1. Navigate to the Wines tab
  2. On the lefthand navigation, under Purchase Orders  click Manage
  3. On the lefthand navigation, under Actions click New Purchase Order
  4. You must select a Warehouse in order for Wines to populate. Once a warehouse is selected, it pre-populates the Ship-to-field.
  5. Select the Supplier. Once you select the supplier, you will have to option to auto-fill the remit-to and pick-up addresses from any addresses stored under that supplier.
    • To Add Addresses for a supplier: At the supplier level, scroll down to Addresses section and click Add Address.
  6. On the lefthand navigation, under Info, click Download PDF. Email this PDF to the winery. 

*Note* The quantity in the PO will be moved to On Order inventory

To Receive PO

  • Navigate to the Wines tab
  • On the lefthand navigation, under Purchase Orders  click Manage
  • Click on the PO # of the Po you want to receive
  • On the lefthand navigation, click the button named Status Change
  • On the following screen you can choose your Inventory options: 
    • NO inventory transfer: the On Order inventory is decreased; On-Hand inventory is not updated
    • With Inventory transfer: the On Order inventory is decreased; On-Hand inventory is incremented

You can fast forward the PO# sequence if needed:

  1. Navigate to My Account 
  2. On the left-hand side click Manage
  3. On the left-hand side under Manage click Edit 
  4. Scroll to Purchase Order, NEW PO # Sequence. Type in the PO number you wish to start from. 
  5. Click the blue Update button at the bottom of the page
Vinosmith does not currently support the migration of a PO from one warehouse to another. We will allow PO# editing during creation or updating.
  1. Find the current PO, export to PDF so you have a copy of its details
  2. Delete that PO
  3. Create a new PO (perhaps reference the PDF if necessary) and specify the "old" PO#. If the PO# is left blank during either operation the next PO# in the sequence will be used.