As of January 1, 2024, California has required the implementation of Redemptions on Invoices. Please watch the video and read the instructions on configuring Redemptions for your organization.
Ready to use the Marketplace? Here is the basic setup/preparation required to prepare your Marketplace for Buyers!
When you send an email to an account contact you can BCC: to a special Vinosmith address, Vinosmith will grab the email and archive it under that Account and Contact. Additionally, a Communication entry attached to that email will be created.
Creating a tasting sheet template will set up the general tasting sheet formatting for your reps to use. Once you do this, they can just create and export a tasting sheet quickly from the Tasting function.
Vinosmith supports Taxes on Invoices.
Vinosmith is designed to be easy to use and to maximize sales opportunities and client management. With these easy-to-follow instructions, you will be up and running on the Vinosmith platform in no time.
Admins: Learn all about how to update the address or appearance of your Vinosmith Invoices. The template is static but you can customize what information is shown on the invoice.