The Bill Back field is at the individual wine price level and enables you to note a Bill Back Credit amount and Bill Back Date. The Bill Back Date can be the date the bill back price went into effect, another date that suits your company's needs, or you can leave the field blank.

Bill Back Values are surfaced in the following reports:
RA5 - Depletion by Producer
RA17 - Depletion by Importer

To Update a single Bill Back value:

  1. Navigate to the Wines tab
  2. Click into the wine you wish to add a bill back for
  3. Click on the blue Manage button next to Prices
  4. Click into an existing price OR create a new price by clicking Add Price in the left hand navigation
  5. Update the Bill Back Credit ($) and Bill Back Date
  6. Click the blue Update button

To Update a batch of Bill Back values:

 The bill back credit field is in both the detailed and basic batch import prices templates. To learn how to batch upload prices, click here.