We have updated Vinosmith Distributor so that you can be more specific about what status your order has after it has been confirmed. Options for delivery status now include: pending, manual, sent-to-warehouse, warehouse-bypass, in-transit, and delivered.

There are two ways to do a delivery status update - bulk via pending deliveries and or on a specific confirmed order.

Individually Update Delivery Status

  1. Navigate to the Orders tab
  2. Click on the order you would like to update
  3. Click the Update button
  4. Change Status
  5. Click the blue Update button to save changes

Batch Update Delivery Status

  1. Navigate to the Orders tab
  2. Under Delivery click on Pending Deliveries
  3. Check the boxes next to the orders you would like to update (note only 1 status can be selected per group)
  4. Click the Blue, Mark As and select the status you would like for this batch