Vinlux requires Vinosmith identify an Order via a full numeric identifier. This requirement means that your alphanumeric Invoice Number cannot be supplied as the order identifier.

When you receive a Sales Exception PDF from Vinlux it will reference a Order Number but it is not immediately clear what this value means and how it ties into your Vinosmith Invoices.

Order Number

The Order Number in the Vinlux PDF is the Vinosmith Order Number and this is the globally unique identifier of the Order in Vinosmith. When you are looking at an Order in Vinosmith and look at the URL / address bar and see a URL like:

The numeric 123456 value is the Order Number in both Vinosmith and Vinlux. It is this number you will see in the PDF.

It is not your Invoice Number.

To locate the Vinosmith Invoice which is linked to this Order Number you can copy it from the PDF, go to the Orders tab and enter this value in the Find by Invoice/Order/PO # filter field (you will probably need to click Include Confirmed Orders as well) and this will surface the Vinosmith Invoice.