In order for Vinosmith to integrate with your Quickbooks, records in both systems will need to be mapped.
If during onboarding Vinosmith creates Items or Accounts from your QB data; then the mapping is done automatically.
If your QB is integrated with Vinosmith after onboarding, then it is required for an administrator to map records between the two systems.
That is, a Vinosmith Item must be mapped to a QB Item, and a Vinosmith Account must be mapped to a QB Customer.
The mapping process is the same for both Account and Wine.
Items and Accounts need to be mapped in order to be pushed to QB on an Invoice.
How to map Items to QB Items
- Click on an item
- On the left is an External box with a link to Manage
- On the next screen, choose the appropriate source, Quickbooks Online or Quickbooks Desktop.
- On the next screen, you perform the mapping by searching for a QB Item.
- Search for an Item (pasting in the wine code can be helpful) and click the Map button.
How to map Accounts to QB Customers
It is the same process as above for mapping Items. But in this case, you start from the Account screen.
Still not working?
Request an item or account fetch, and then repeat the steps above.
Go to your management screen, and in the left navigation, you will see a link to Request Fetch.
On the following screen, you will see any entry to Customers (Accounts) or Items (wines), and from the drop-down, choose all time-frame for when you created/modified the Quickbooks Customer.
Submit the request, and upon the next check-in, the record should be fetched and Vinosmith's knowledge of your records in Quickbooks is updated. The record should then be available for mapping.
NOTE: If the record is definitely in your QB and the above steps do not work, the item or account may be disabled or deleted in Quickbooks. Correct its status in QB and then request another fetch.