As a broker distributor in California, placing your orders in Vinosmith can now be batched to the Winery's (Supplier) Vinosmith instance to create a "depletion invoice." Additionally, your Suppliers can send back payment information directly to you via Vinosmith.
How to Get Started
Both the Distributor and Supplier need to have a Vinosmith instance. Your Supplier will contact you directly to get permission to push their invoices to Vinosmith.
There are a few options that can be enabled for you:
- Send account contacts to the Supplier along with the invoice
- Enable an option to accept payment updates in your Vinosmith instance.
Once they have your permission, the Supplier will request that SDL be enabled. Admin users will be emailed that the request has been made, and another email notification will be sent when the connection is active.
After Vinosmith Has Connected Winery (Supplier) to Distributor (Broker)
- Click on the Orders tab
- From the left navigation, under SUPPLIER LINK, click on Batch Send Orders to Supplier(s)
- Please note: this link will only populate if there is an active link to a winery/supplier.
- Check the box(es) next to the order(s) that should be sent to the supplier
- Click on the Submit to Supplier box
This process will send the invoices to your supplier(s) for creation in their platform.
Once the invoice has been sent via SDL, any changes in the Distributor's system will not be transmitted to the Supplier. You must communicate any changes directly with your Supplier.
Please email if you have any questions.