Each of your Wines can have as many price points as you want.
Manage Prices One-at-a-Time / Manually
Here is how you can add/edit prices for a single Wine
- Navigate to the Wine tab
- Select your desired wine
- In the Prices section click on the Manage button
- To add a Price, click on Add link on the left
- Existing Prices have an Edit link on the right which you can click on to edit that particular price.
Account-specific Pricing
Prices can be locked to an Account. When you are adding or editing a single Price you have the option to search for one or more Accounts to lock that Price to those Accounts.
During Order Entry, after the Account has been chosen, if there any Account-specific Prices then those will be available. If there are other Prices for the same Wine but for different Accounts than those Prices will not be available to any user.
To learn how to add account specific pricing see: https://vinosmith.groovehq.com/knowledge_base/topics/how-do-i-add-account-specific-pricing
Batch Price Import
You can update multiple Prices at once by uploading an Excel document.
To learn how to Batch Import: https://vinosmith.groovehq.com/knowledge_base/topics/how-do-i-batch-import-pricing