The overall procedure is broken into 3 distinct steps:
- Confirm orders and mark them as to be delivered by Vinlux.
- View orders pending submission to Vinlux and generate the batch.
- Monitor Vinlux notifications and possibly re-submit revised orders back to Vinlux.
Confirm orders and mark them as to be delivered by Vinlux
When an Admin clicks on the Confirm Order button, choose Vinlux from the Deliver Via dropdown.
Please note: this will not submit the order to Vinlux then. This action marks the order as intended to be submitted to Vinlux.
View orders pending submission to Vinlux and generate the batch
Now that one or more orders have been flagged to be delivered via Vinlux, it's time to submit that batch to Vinlux.
Click on the Orders tab; on the left, under Delivery, click Pending Deliveries.
The Pending Deliveries screen shows orders that have been confirmed and flagged as to be delivered to Vinlux.
For all valid orders, click the checkbox to add that order to the batch.
At the bottom is a button With Selected - click that button to expand the menu and choose to Submit to Vinlux.
Vinosmith will generate the batch and transmit it to Vinlux.
Note - Vinosmith does not mark order batches "Processed" on the Warehouse Delivery Batch page. Once a confirmation PDF from Vinlux is received the batch can be marked as "Processed." Contact Vinlux if a confirmation PDF is not received. This is a manual process and is optional to update.
Vinlux will notify you by email and attach a PDF file containing the status of the orders in the batch. If Vinlux has accepted all orders, then you are done.
However, if any orders need to be revised, then please refer to the section on Revising a Vinlux Batch and Re-Transmission
Revising a Vinlux Batch and Re-Transmission (Act on Notifications from Vinlux)
Once an Order has been submitted to Vinlux, it cannot be updated in Vinosmith and submitted back to Vinlux. Any errors require a new order to be created, and the order number for the errored transaction is burned.
Vinlux can process some changes verbally. Please get in touch with your Vinlux Account Support Representative directly if you have minor revisions.
If you need to submit a revised Order back to Vinlux, you can use the Re-Order action in Vinosmith to make a new correct order and submit that to Vinlux.
If you have non-inventory items being submitted to Vinlux
All non-inventory items will need to be added to Vinlux. You must contact your Vinlux Support Representative and inquire about that process. It's not done in Vinosmith; you would work directly with Vinlux.