First, back up your QB Company File.

How to Export all Customers from QB into Excel

  1. Go to the Customer Center
  2. In the top toolbar row click on Excel -> Export Customer List
  3. Follow the prompt to create a new Excel doc.

How to Import an Excel File into QB and Batch Update Customers

These instructions assume you have exported your Customers to Excel by following the above instructions.


Back up your QB Company File before proceeding.

  1. Open the Customer Center.
  2. In the top toolbar choose Excel -> Import From Excel
  3. In the pop-up, on the right, click on the button for Advanced Import
  4. Click on the Browse button and choose your Excel document.
  5. In the Select a Sheet dropdown choose Sheet1. QB has automatically created a worksheet called Quickbooks Export Tips, so you want the first valid sheet which contains the data.
  6. Click on the checkbox This data has header rows
  7. In the Choose a mapping dropdown, choose Add New
  8. You are now in the mapping editor.

    • Enter Excel Customers as the mapping name
    • Choose Customers from the Import Type dropdown
    • You should have two columns: Quickbooks and Import Data. You need to map the fields from the QB Customer to the Excel column of the same. This import flow requires that the left-column Job or Customer Name matches your Excel Customer column Name. In the right-hand column choose Customer from the dropdown in that row. This is how Excel "finds" the existing Customer to update.
  9. Proceed to go down the rows and map the data fields that you edited in Excel. Perhaps you only changed the Billing Address Line 2 field in the Excel document; so you would just map those two fields. You don't need to map rows that you have not changed. Leave those blank to keep existing data.

  10. Click on Save to save your mappings.

  11. Click on the Preview button.
  12. In the Data Preview section ensure that the first couple of rows have an OK value in the first column and are in green. If there any rows with ERROR than STOP - and investigate the error.

  13. If there are no errors, in the Error Handling section choose Do not import rows with errors.

  14. Click on the Import button.
  15. If you see a Duplicate Record Found pop-up, choose the 2nd option: Replace existing data with import data, ignoring blank fields. Then click on Apply to All
  16. After the import completes you should see a message like Import is finished. X records have been imported and Y records had errors/warnings. If there any error records than click on the Save button and QB will prompt you to save a CSV file containing further information on the errors. If there were no errors then just click on Don't Save