Vinosmith can generate and send via email Supplier Commission Invoices.

Supplier Commission is tracked at either the individual Wine-level or the Supplier-level during order creation.

By default the Commission Rate is stored at the Supplier-level but it can be over-ridden at the Wine-level. 

As Orders are created in Vinosmith the Supplier Commission amounts are calculated from Wine/Supplier Commission Rate.

At the end of the month you can request Vinosmith to generate a PDF invoice of these Sales and have them email delivered to one or more Contacts at the Supplier.


How to Get Started

First steps are to update each of your Suppliers with one or more Contacts. Be sure to check the Receive Commission Invoices checkbox.

Secondly, make sure the Supplier has a Commission Rate. This rate will be applied to all Wines under that Supplier. If you need to over-ride for a specific Wine you can do so by editing and updating that Wine.


Monthly Operation

When you want Vinosmith to generate these invoices and deliver them:

  1. Go to the Accounts Receivable screen (Orders > Accounts Receivable: Manage) and then click on the Supplier Commission Invoice Emails tab.
  2. For each Supplier you want to process check the box next to their name.
  3. Scroll down and enter the parameters for which Orders should be included. Most likely this will be run for "last month". 
  4. Choose your Date Handling method on how orders should be retrieved:
    1. Delivery Date: include all confirmed orders with a delivery-date in the range.
    2. Paid Date: include all confirmed orders that have been marked fully-paid in the date range.
  5. Enter a Commission Rate if applicable. Most likely this will be left blank and the Commission Rate from the above flow will be captured. If for some reason you have not specified a Commission Rate at either the Wine or Supplier level than you can do so now.
  6. Enter a Net Terms to be inserted onto the Invoice.

Click the generation button and the invoices will be generated and delivered to the contacts.

Please note: If there no sales for a particular supplier, that supplier will not receive an email. 


Retrieving Invoices

In the future if you ever need to download a generated Invoice you can go to the Supplier and retrieve it from the Commission Invoice Emails section.