What does Primary Contact, Receive Invoices?, Always CC when confirming an Order?, and Buyer? checkboxes do?
Updated on July 11, 2023
Primary Contact? - There can only be one of these at each account, and the primary contact will be the first in the list of contacts.
Receive Invoices? - When checked, those contacts will be offered to the person confirming the order in the Confirm Orders & Send Emails prompt. Their checkbox will not be auto-checked, so the person confirming must choose them. If this box is not checked, that contact will never be offered on that Confirm Orders & Send Emails prompt; think of this box as the "opt-in" option. Contacts with this checkbox enabled will also receive past-due invoice notifications (if the Vinosmith A/R system is enabled.)
Always CC when confirming an Order? - This will auto-check that contact on that Confirm Orders & Send Emails prompt, so the person confirming does not have to do the extra click of checking the box every time.
Buyer? - This flag will note that they are a Buyer on their contact card. It does not do anything special.
Marketplace?- This flag allows a contact to access Vinosmith's Marketplace