If you have different price tiers for each wine, you can export prices from Vinosmith, batch edit, and batch upload them.
- Navigate to the Wines page
- Click on Export Prices
- Select Basic Export
- Take that file and insert rows beneath each wine/price that needs another tier. You can copy all the data from the existing row, paste it into the new row, and adjust the price, label, sorting, etc.
Note - the additional (tiered) price is added as a row, not a new column with the tiered price
- Save the file
- Return to the Wines tab in Vinosmith and Import Prices from the lefthand column.
- Be sure to click the Basic sub-tab on the Import Prices screen
- Attach the saved file
- Check Disable Prices First? If you want the Excel document to replace all current prices for each wine in the document. If the set of prices you are uploading is only a subset of all your wine prices, you most likely want to keep this option unchecked. NOTE: duplicate prices can be created if uploading prices are already in Vinosmith.
- Click Import