Depending on your organization's integration and admin settings, accounts can be created from your Quickbooks or manually in Vinosmith. 

If your organization allows rep users to create new accounts in Vinosmith, follow these steps:

  • Click on the Accounts tab
  • On the left navigation, click on New Account
  • Key in the information as needed
  • Click Create

For Quickbooks Integrations Only

Create Accounts in Quickbooks option

When enabled, if a new account is created in Vinosmith, Vinosmith provides an option to push that account to QB for programmatic creation. To push a new account to QB, edit the account, and at the bottom of the Account form is a checkbox "Create in Quickbooks?" When this is checked, upon form submission, a QB Customer will be created with the Account details. This assumes there is NOT an existing QB Customer with the same name. An error notification email will be delivered if a QB Customer already exists with the same name.

Note: Depending on your system setting, only Admin users may be allowed to enter new accounts in Vinosmith or push accounts to Quickbooks for creation.

If you need help enabling this option, please contact