Inventory Values:

  • In Stock / Available -- This means the inventory available is well above the indicated threshold.
  • Limited Stock -- This means the inventory available is below the stated threshold.
  • Please Inquire -- This means no inventory and/or negative inventory is available.
  • Remove from Marketplace on Low Inventory? -- This means that when you set a threshold, and the inventory meets that threshold, the item will be removed from your Marketplace. The item must be manually added to the Marketplace when the inventory is replaced.

Where are these inventory threshold settings located and how can I change them?

You can change your Limited Stock Quantity at any time. This is the number that dictates your inventory threshold.

  • Click on My Account
  • Click on Manage
  • Click on Marketplace Settings
  • Click on Edit Settings
  • Scroll down to Limited Stock Quantity
  • Update this to the appropriate number you'd like reflected
  • Click Save

*Please NoteWhen enabling more than one warehouse, the Inventory Status will pull the cumulative inventory from all the warehouses that are attached (and enabled to the Marketplace) to that product.