When you visit an Account detail page, the Share Wine Information link is at the top left corner.
This allows you to share wine details with the selected Account.
Please note -- before sending the Share Wine Information, it would be best to have the wine content fully populated as you see fit to share.
Here are the things you can share:
- Wine Properties (includes things like appellation, alcohol %, case weight, etc.)
- Varietal Info
- Wine Maker Notes
- Awards
- Links
- Attachments
Here's how to use the Share Wine Information link:
- Go to any Account detail page
- Click on Share Wine Information
- In the Search for a Wine to Share field, key in the wine you'd like to share with that specific Account / Distributor contact
- Select the attributes you'd like to share (or click Share All)
- You can also include a personal note
- Select the Contact(s) you'd like to send this to
- Click on Send Email
Vinosmith will send an email containing the information picked to the contacts selected.