Re-assigning an Importer belonging to a wine can easily be done by any admin user.

To Re-assign a Single Wine:

  1. Navigate to the Wine you would like to update
  2. On the left-hand side panel, click Edit Wine
  3. Look for the Importer field and select the Importer from the drop-down menu
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page to Save

Batch Assign All Wines under an Importer

The Importer can be batch updated by using the Wine Properties import/export flow:

  1. First, export your data from the Wines tab by clicking Export Properties on the left-hand side.
  2. Edit the Importer field in the Excel 
    • Note: The Importer must be created first.  Please see the article referenced below on how to add an Importer to Vinosmith.
  3. Go to the Wines tab, click on Import Properties, and upload the modified document.