This scenario can happen for ACH-based payments. Or, if a Refund is initiated from either a ACH or a Credit Card payment. The end result is the same.

Please note: the terms "payout" , "disbursement" and "withdrawal" are all the same and mean a receipt of funds into your bank account from the payments processor (Payrix).

When an ACH payment is made - Payrix (the payments processor) - will payout to you within 3 business days. Payrix is actually fronting the money to you. 

During this timeframe Payrix is attempting to retrieve the money from the payer's bank account. This process can take up to 5 business days.

But as noted - you will receive a payout within 3 business days. This float is what causes this payout discrepancies.

So what happens is this:

  1. Payment via ACH is made for $100 for Invoice #1
  2. 3 business days later you receive a payout for $100
  3. Payrix goes to debit the payers bank account and this debit fails (insufficient funds?)
  4. Meanwhile another payment for a different payer is made for say $500, for Invoice #2
  5. Payrix is out the original $100 at this point (Invoice #1). They paid it out to you but were unable to collect it themselves
  6. This 1st payment amount of $100 is deducted from the 2nd payout (which is supposed to be $500). 
  7. The 2nd payout is only for $400 ($500 - 100)

And that is the simple explanation of this scenario.

You were expecting to receive the full $500 for Invoice #2 but you only received $400.

Understandably this causes accounting and reconciliation issues. The payer of the $500 invoice fully paid so that Invoice #2 should be marked as fully paid. However there is a $100 actual discrepancy purely from the bank transactions you received.


How to locate the Disbursement Details to see the discrepancies

You can login to your Payrix portal and export the disbursement to Excel which will show the transactions involved. This will show the monetary paper trail and explain the discrepancies.


  1. Login to your Payrix portal:
  2. In the left navigation click on the Withdrawals link
  3. In the Withdrawal History section locate the withdrawal in question. You might need to do some sleuthing and identify the withdrawal via the approximate amount you were originally expecting and/or via the date created
  4. Once you have located the disbursement, click its identifier on the left to view the details
  5. On the details screen click the link to export to XLS.

The resulting XLS file will show the transactions in the payout which contribute towards the credits and debits.