Please note: This warehouse transfer differs from the transfer function on the Inventory Management level (found by navigating to the individual wine page and clicking the manage button next to the inventory section). That transfer is internal and immediately deducts/increments on-hand in both warehouses, and there is NO receiving / on-order flow at all. 

If your inventory is being managed in QB, the Inventory Transfer is not compatible with your integration. 


  • The admin setting of "Track Purchase Orders" must be enabled.

When you create a warehouse transfer, the source warehouse's On-Hand inventory decreases, the Order bucket increases, and the destination warehouse transfer bucket increases. 

Once received, the Order bucket at the source warehouse will be cleared, and the quantity in the Transfer bucket will be moved to the On Hand inventory bucket at the destination warehouse.

To create a new transfer:

  1. Navigate to the Wines tab.
  2. On the left-hand side, under Warehouse Transfers, click on Transfers.
  3. On the left-hand side, under Actions, click on New Transfer.
  4.  Select the date, source warehouse, destination warehouse, wines, and quantity.
  5. Click the blue Save button.

To edit a transfer:

An open transfer's quantity can be edited, but the destination warehouse cannot be altered

  1. Click the transfer number of the desired warehouse transfer.
  2. On the left-hand side, under Info, click Edit.
  3. You can adjust the quantity of wines on the transfer, remove line items, or add line items.
  4. Click the blue Save button.

To receive a transfer:

  1. Click the transfer number of the desired warehouse transfer.
  2. Under Status Change, click on the green Receive button.
    • Receive: With Destination Inventory Transfer
    • Receive: No Destination Inventory Transfer