You can ask Vinosmith to fetch recently created Quickbooks Items and create Wines for them.
Go to your management screen (My Account > Manage) and in the left navigation you will see a link to Request Fetch
On the following screen you will see any entry to Items (Wines) and from the drop-down choose the appropriate time-frame for when you created / modified the Quickbooks Item.
Submit the request and upon next Web Connector check-in the Wine should be fetched and created.
Was the QB Item not created recently?
If the QB Item was created awhile back (e.g. outside the time window you see in Vinosmith to fetch Items) you can "trick" QB into marking that Item was modified such that it will be returned to Vinosmith as "recently modified". You can do this by just adding a dummy note to the Item (any content will suffice) - that will force QB to mark that Item as modified such that when you ask Vinosmith to fetch recently modified Items in the last 60 minutes it will be returned.