Vinosmith can create Quickbooks Invoices from Orders and supports pushing a single invoice to QB or multiple orders at once.
Your account will need to be configured with Quickbooks integration, the rest of this article assumes the integration is in place.
Creating Invoices requires the Account and Wine data on the order to be mapped to Customers and Items, respectively.
How to push a Batch of Orders as QB Invoices
- Go to the Orders tab
- In the left column under the Quickbooks Online section, click on the Batch Invoices link
- Select the timeframe of pending orders you would like to view.
- The next screen will display a list of your Vinosmith Orders that you have recently confirmed that have not been pushed to QB - you can adjust the confirmation time frame if needed. For any orders that do not have any interior Account or Wines mapped to QB Customers & Items (respectively), you will first need to create those mappings.
If Vinosmth has brought down your Terms from QBO, when a Term is selected on the Batch Invoices screen it causes the Due Date to NOT be provided to QBO; QBO does its own due date calculation.
If a term is not selected on the Batch Invoices screen then the Due Date is sent to QBO and QBO will apply its own default Terms based on your organization's default terms.
- Select the checkbox next to the orders you would like to push to QB and then click on the Submit Selected button.
The orders will be queued for submission to QB Online.
Important Tip!
If Vinosmith encounters any errors pushing an Invoice to QB in Batch Mode then the failure is silent. An example of a common error is if a Wine (e.g it is a mapped QB Item) has been deactivated in QB. An invoice push with that Item specified will result in a failure. You will not be notified and the Invoice will not be pushed to QB. However, when pushing an Invoice in Single Mode the operation is done in real-time and any errors will be shown to you.
So, the rule of thumb: if you are repeatedly pushing an Invoice to QB and you don’t see it received in QB then push the Invoice in Single Mode and you will most likely see an error message with the reason.