Batch editing approved allocations can be done by admin-level users only. Live and Pre-sale allocations can be edited.
- Navigate to the Accounts tab
- In the Allocations section, click View
- Click the Export down arrow and select Excel: Un-completed Only to download the allocations
- Edit the Excel document as needed. Only the following fields are editable.
Start Date
Expiration Date
Starting Quantity
- To delete an allocation, add a column with the header Delete Me. Populate the column with delete me to delete the allocation. Please note that deleting an allocation is a permanent action.
- Notify Sales Rep? - For new allocations, if the value in this column is yes, a notification email is sent to the Sales Rep.
Please see the instructions and requirements on the Import Allocation from Excel page to upload the file.
- Navigate to the Accounts tab
- In the Allocations section, click View
- Click Import from Excel on the left-hand navigation